AT HOME Seated Cardio and Weight Session

This whole workout will make you feel a burn while strengthening your body! The best part; is you do not have to get out of your chair!

This workout is perfect if you only have 20 minutes to set aside or just want to get your workout over and done with!

All the exercises are going to be done on a minute clock! So grab your timer, and let’s get started!

  1. We’re going to start with seated jumping jacks. This movement will be just the upper body portion of the jumping jack, raising your arms and down in a lateral motion.

  2. Jab Cross: This will incorporate some boxing motions (which is an excellent form of cardio and strength!) We will use both hands; one hand, we will punch straight outwards; the other, we will cross over the leading arm with an underhand punch.

  3. Next, we are going to work our oblique muscles doing side crunches. Here we will put our hands near our head and crunch down, creating an “elbow to hip” motion.

  4. Now we are going to do uppercuts; here we are going to do an underhand punch; like you are punching the sky!

  5. Now swimmers! Swim for 60 seconds! Let’s act like we are diving in a pool doing freestyle!

  6. We’re going to jump right over into doing butterfly! Use those arms to keep swimming! Through the air, of course!

We will run through that circuit 3 more times, taking a 2-minute break between every set! After that, let’s move on to our strength portion.

  1. First, we are going to do bent-over rows, taking any can, water bottle, or if you have resistance bands, we are going to lean over on your chair; and row row row!

  2. Seated Deadlifts! Keeping your back straight, we will lift your back to a prone position, then hinging back down until you are bent over. We will put a resistance band under your feet, and if you do not have your crew, we will grab some cans.

  3. Front Raises to lateral raises: we’ll take any weights you have, or cans, or grab those bottles again! Raise your arms out front, back down, and side, working your beautiful shoulders!

  4. Hammer Curls: working those biceps, we will curl up using our weights, with your fists towards each other and your elbows pinned to your side!

We then have worked our upper body! This workout covers our upper body while raising our heart rate with our cardio!

Mariana Mezzacappa