Ankle Strengthening

If you just got surgery, and are lacking range of motion in your ankle; or just genuinely need strengthening, this one is for you. The movement is a combination of movements to stretch and strengthen your ankle. Limited ankle mobility can limit or compromise your ability to do day-to-day exercises or compound exercises. From squatting to walking to running, your ankle supports you through all these movements.

To strengthen your ankles do these exercises:

Ankle Dorsiflexion with Band:

  • For this exercise, strap a band right around your toes, and tie the band on a secure post. Start with your foot pointed down. Pump your ankle towards your face, strengthening your Tibialis. Tight calves and flat feet can limit your range of motion with this exercise, so it is important to perform if you have either.

Ankle Eversion with Band:

  • For this exercise, use the band that is wrapped around the post and sit parallel to the post, pumping your ankle away from the post, moving your ankle outwards, feeling the resistance pulling your ankle back towards the post.

Single Leg to Balance:

  • With your feet shoulder width apart, stand on a flat surface and try to balance on one foot.

  • Do this multiple times; increasing your ankle strength and balance. If this is easy fo you, then close your eyes, spread out your arms, or stand on an unstable surface to increase intensity.

Ankle Revolutions:

  • Elevate your leg by putting a toilet paper roll or a foam roller or pillow under your ankle and turn your ankle around slowly in circles, clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Add these simplistic workouts to your daily routine. Maybe stand on one leg while doing the dishes, or do ankle revolutions while watching television. This will help you improve your performance in sports, in standing position, and for balance and stability.

Check with your doctor before doing any of these workouts!

Mariana Mezzacappa